Café CharMo

Charles and Morena met each other in London in the kitchen of the traditional Savoy Hotel, and since then they have shared this virtuoso gastronomic journey.

From England they went to Germany and from there to Austria, always seeking out experiences in establishments which are recognized for their refined products and services, with the aim of improving their culinary knowledge.

Having consistently acquired this knowledge, they decided that they were ready to establish their own business. Thus was born CharMo, Café/Restaurant, which always seeks to achieve a harmony between flavours and textures, counting on the best and freshest ingredients available on the market.

With a limited menu, Charles and Morena guarantee a high standard of freshness and quality delicately presented with each dish, since that is the principal mission of CharMo.

The doors are open to a public who appreciate gastronomic quality in a charming environment, accompanied by a good wine and a well-chosen selection of jazz and Brazilian popular music.

©2008 Café CharMo
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