Menu for this month

To start, crispy crudités and a selection of fresh breads with a variety of sauces;

To follow, a delicate selection of canapés;

The diner can then select between
  • French potato, leek, white wine, mushroom and carrot soup,
  • Italian bread bruscheta with homemade tomato sauce, mozzarella and fresh basil;
For the main course, opt for
  • Salmon bundle with snapper mousse in chard and potato purée with white burre source,
  • Medallions, glacier carrots and potato balls à dorê;
To sweeten the palate
  • An exceptionally creamy trio de chocolate mousse,
  • Traditional French crème brûlée;
To finish, coffee with petit-fours.

Complete menu R$ 47,70.

Special offer wines to accompany your meal
  • Espumante Nocturno R$ 44,90 a bottle or R$ 7,40 per glass,
  • Red or white Miolo Gamay R$ 39,90 a bottle,
  • House red or white R$ 6,80 per glass.
For reservations, call 3267 5223 or 8897 9290

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