Author: John Nixon
Publisher: Pinewood Hill (2013)
Price: £12.50 + £2.80 P&P (R.R.P. £12.50)

Synopsis: Covering the period 1968-1992, this book is the detailed and often introspective autobiography of John Nixon and his career in the Royal Navy. Leaving his village home in Brierley, South Yorkshire, at the age of 15, he entered the famous new-entry establishment, HMS Ganges. Other shore establishments included HMS Collingwood, HMS Mercury and HMS Sultan. His sea-going ships were the Commando Carrier HMS Bulwark (covering the evacuation of British forces from Malta), the Frigate HMS Falmouth (during the Falklands campaign) and the Guided Missile Destroyer, HMS Kent. Recording the day-to-day life of a junior rating and senior rating in the Radio Electrical Department, and then Instructor Lieutenant, his recollections are based on the scores of letters that were kept by his parents. Studying to gain additional educational qualifications and early promotions represent the 'other letters' of his story. His experiences reflect the challenges of life at sea and within the armed services with a focus on the positive and negative impacts on family life. On retirement from the Navy, he entered academia at the University of York. The final chapter includes relevant sociological and psychological aspects of Service life and its impacts. This book will therefore be of potential interest to those who served in the Royal Navy, and more widely.

Book details: Paperback, 209 pages, 25 x 18 x 1 cm, 83 B&W or colour images, ISBN - 978-0-9926788-0-7. Sample images from this book are shown left.

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