
Authors: John Nixon and Michael S. Rose. Edited by Michael J Channon OBE.
Publisher: Pinewood Hill (2020)
Price: £20.00 + £3.20 P&P (R.R.P. £20.00)

Synopsis: The Royal Navy Instructor Officers’ Association (RNIOA), through its educational website (, commemorates the experiences and history of those who served in the Royal Navy's Instructor Officer ('Schoolie') Specialisation, which had roots going back to 1702 and was finally disbanded in 1996. Authored, compiled and edited by former Schoolies, this book begins by providing a brief historical overview of the Instructor and Schoolmaster branches that were unified in 1946. It then illustrates the wide spectrum of work carried out by Schoolies as educators and within sub-specialisations such as meteorology, oceanography, training technology, engineering and computer science. This is achieved by a representative sample of short autobiographical stories and articles compiled by former Schoolies and associates of the RNIOA, including those from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN).

Book details: 228 pages with 165 images in colour/B&W. Sample images shown on the left. ISBN - 978-0-9926788-8-3.

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